Activate LOK-integration (Sweden only)

If you want to automatically sync your activities with Riksidrottsförbundet and IdrottOnline, you may activate the integration from your top level group in the structure, and also in IdrottOnline. 

This article is for Sweden only.
You have to be an Admin in the team to have access to the Team settings.

First, start by logging in to your organization's IdrottOnline account, and follow the steps below:

In IdrottOnline:

Navigate to Integration

Expand the menu Integrations and navigate to Inactivated integrations. Here you click on Add integration.

Select 360Player in the list. It is important that you keep the Import type selected.
When submitting this option, you should be able to activate 360Player as an active integration.

In 360Player:

In your top level group, navigate to Team settings

If your organizations country is set to Sweden you will see the LOK tab in your settings menu.

Navigate to the tab, and fill in your organizations details as they are set up in IdrottOnline. Click Save to continue.

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