How to create a registration form
In this article, we will go over how to create a registration form so that members of your organization can sign up and pay for things like tryouts, summer camps, or anything else you'd like them to register for.
From the dashboard menu, press Registrations

To create a new registration press Create.

Fill in the information about your registration. In the first 'general' section, you can add a cover photo, add a category, and give your registration a title and description. In the second section 'Add form fields you can add which data you'd like to collect from people filling out you phone such as name, phone number, email, etc.

In the third section, you can connect a product to the registration form. We have another article on how to create products. If you make the product 'required for submission', people will need to pay the fee in order to submit the form and complete the registration.

In section 4 'visibility', you can decide whether you want to make your form public on your website or unlisted so that only people with the link can visit it. In section 5 'availability' you can save your form as a draft, have the form close to not receive submissions, or open to publish the form live and allow it to accept submissions.
When you are finished, press create.

You have now successfully created your form. Here you can copy the form URL to visit the form in your web browser or share the form with others.
You can see your form live by visiting the URL, here's an example of how it may look.
You can edit your form or view your form registrations from the registrations section of the platform.