Delayed recurring subscriptions (360Pay unique)
With delayed recurring subscriptions, you can set a scheduled start date for the installment plans when creating the pricing for the registrations. This is useful for example when you want to collect a registration fee upon registration, and start the installment plan in the future.
Please note that you will need top level and payment admin privileges to use this feature.
- Navigate to the top level and to Registrations
- Select an existing form or create a new form
- Navigate to 3. Add products and payment options and click on + Add product
Important note
When creating a scheduled installment plan, at least one other product with a one-off payment at registration will be required on the registration form.
Select or create your one-off product and setup its parameters. Save when done.
Then select your recurring product and setup its parameters. Save when done.
Payment options
Click on + Add payment options

Choose Installment Plan as your payment option and click Continue
Add Payment option dialogue box Installment Plan
Program the installment plan to start at registration or at a custom date. Here you also choose number of installments. Select your desired dates and numbers of installments.
Add Payment option dialogue box
Select Prices
Select the prices for the products added by clicking + Select price next to the added products
Add Payment option dialogue box A total amount will be displayed including service fees and taxes, if applicable. Review the summary. Save when done.
You have now successfully added a payment option for your members. If you want to add additional payment options, you can do that now.
- Complete and review the rest of the form. Save when done.