Delayed recurring subscriptions (360Pay unique)

With delayed recurring subscriptions, you can set a scheduled start date for the installment plans when creating the pricing for the registrations. This is useful for example when you want to collect a registration fee upon registration, and start the installment plan in the future.

Please note that you will need top level and payment admin privileges to use this feature.

  • Navigate to the top level and to Registrations

  • Select an existing form or create a new form

  • Navigate to 3. Add products and payment options and click on + Add product

Important note

When creating a scheduled installment plan, at least one other product with a one-off payment at registration will be required on the registration form.

  • Select or create your one-off product and setup its parameters. Save when done.

    Then select your recurring product and setup its parameters. Save when done.

  • Payment options

    Click on + Add payment options

Add Payment option dialogue box
  • Choose Installment Plan as your payment option and click Continue

    Add Payment option dialogue box
  • Installment Plan

    Program the installment plan to start at registration or at a custom date. Here you also choose number of installments. Select your desired dates and numbers of installments.

    Add Payment option dialogue box

  • Select Prices

    Select the prices for the products added by clicking + Select price next to the added products

    Add Payment option dialogue box
  • A total amount will be displayed including service fees and taxes, if applicable. Review the summary. Save when done.

  • You have now successfully added a payment option for your members. If you want to add additional payment options, you can do that now.

  • Complete and review the rest of the form. Save when done.
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