Quickly add users to multiple groups

  1. Navigate to the management section from the menu, then select 'contacts'.

*Note: You must be an admin in the top group of the organization to access contacts.

  1. Select the three dots next to the user you would like to add to a new group, then press 'Add to group'.

*Tip: Feel free to search or use filters to make it easier to find the contacts you are looking for.

  1. Select the group or groups you would like to add the user to, be sure the right role is selected, then press done.

  1. If you would like to add multiple users to a new group at once, feel free to select multiple users, then press the 'Actions' button to bring up the 'Add users to group' option.

*Tip: You can filter by age, products, or registrations in the contacts section to easily select all the contacts you want to add to a new group at once.

Nice to know: If you add a user to a group who is already in that group, don't worry, they won't be duplicated. When adding multiple users to a new group, the ones who aren't in the group yet will be added, and anyone who is already in the group will remain as they are.

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