Create a contact

Create your contacts database

The 360Player contact database is a full registry of all the people in your organization. If your club already has active users in your organization, these will automatically be present in the Contacts list from the start. In order to create a new contact, just click the New Contact button and you can create one right away. You have the possibility to add the contact to a group, as well as set a billing contact (where all invoices will be routed) directly in the creation flow.

Set up billing contacts

Billing contacts are a unique part of the 360Player Payment system. A billing contact is a contact that is connected to another contact, for example, the mother of a player can be connected as a billing contact for that player. This means that all invoices assigned to the player will automatically be sent to the mother instead. You can add a billing contact while creating a new contact, but you can also navigate to the Single Contact view by clicking a contact in the contacts list, and edit the billing info to assign a billing contact there. 

It is recommended that you connect all of your billing contacts before you get started with invoicing.

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