How to update your contact database (4 articles in 1)

There may be times when you want to make sure your database is fully up to date. This might be to be more organised or to limit the chance of payments being sent incorrectly. Below is a guide on some actions you can do, to keep on top of your database.

1 | Checking for duplicate accounts

1.      Go to management and contacts

2.      Go to filters

3.      Filter to Role=Player and then apply

4.      Click on the name column to sort alphabetically

5.      Scroll down the names list to see if any duplicates occur twice. They will appear next to each other due to it being sorted in alphabetical order.

6.      When you find a duplicate account, you need to determine which you want to keep. Here are some tips:

·        Check if they have parents connected. You will want to keep the one with most parents.

·        Do they have any invoices or subscriptions?

·        Has the parent or player recommended which to keep?

7.      Once you have determined which to keep. You can have the following options. Archive the account not needed, get the parent to deleted the unwanted account or email with the email of the account you want to delete.

2 | Check that parents haven’t joined as players

In the rare occasion a parent wrongfully joins as a player then the steps below will detail how to find and fix that.

1.      Go to contacts

2.      Go to filters

3.      Filter to Role=Player and then apply

4.      Click on the date of birth column to sort to the player list to oldest first.

5.      If any date of births don’t seem right here (for example, 1977 for youth club) then you can click onto that individual.

6.      Scroll down till you find groups

7.      If they need to be removed from that group then click the three dots and remove.

3 | Check if players have parents connected

1.      Go to contacts

2.      Go to filters

3.      Filters to Role=Players and Parent Connection=Doesn’t have connected parent

4.      Click apply

5.      This will bring up a total list of players without parents attached to their profile.

Tip – if you have players over the age of 18. It may be worth using the date of birth filter to stop them showing

6.      Contact the parent to get them to create an account or link to the child. Here is a useful article for that process –

4 | Add billing emails for players

1.      Go to contacts

2.      Go to filters

3.      Filter by Role=Player and then apply

4.      Scroll down the list of players until you see no email in the billing email column for a player.

5.      Get the billing email of the parent

6.      Click on the players contact

7.      Click on the connected parent at the top of the screen

8.      Click edit on the top left of the contact

9.      Add their billing email into the email box

10. Put a full stop in any required fields that come up

11. Save

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