How to check for duplicate accounts

It may be that users sign up to the app incorrectly or have multiple accounts. Here is a quick guide on how you can check for duplicate accounts.

1.      Go to management from the menu and contacts

2.      Go to filters

3.      Filters to Role=Player and then apply

4.      Click on the name column to sort alphabetically

5.      Scroll down the names list to see if any duplicates occur twice. They will appear next to each other due to it being sorted in alphabetical order.

6.      When you find a duplicate account, you need to determine which you want to keep. Here are some tips:

·        Check if they have parents connected. You will want to keep the one with most parents.

·        Do they have any invoices or subscriptions?

·        Has the parent or player recommended which to keep?

7.      Once you have determined which to keep. You can have the following options. Archive the account not needed, get the parent to deleted the unwanted account or email with the email of the account you want to delete.

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