Parent accidentally joined as a player

If you accidentally connected as a player instead of to your child, this guide will show you how to fix it.

First, we want to connect to your child:

Navigate to your settings, in your phone you find it by first pressing the menu button, then pressing your profile avatar and selecting the  settings option. On desktop, press your avatar  on the top right, then press settings.

Once inside your settings navigate to the My Children tab. To connect to your child, press Create connection. If your child does not have an account, you can create an account for your child while you connect to them simultaneously.

Important: Only continue with steps 3-5 if your child already has an account. Otherwise, create an account for your child.

Enter the email that your child has registered on their account and then Send the connection request.

Once you have sent the request, you will see that it is pending until your child has accepted it in their app.

Your child will get a push notification about your request for him/her to respond to.

Once your child has accepted the request, you will get a push notification and you will now be able to view your child's teams from the Team picker.

When all of this is done, please contact an admin in your team, or contact the 360Player support, and say you want to be removed as a player/coach.

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