Frequently asked questions

Here are some common questions that you may have when creating your 360Player account:

I don't have a group code

If you are missing a group code you may receive one from a coach or admin of the team you want to join. You can read more here: 

I am creating an account for my child, what do I do?

If you want to create an account for your child, make sure to create an account for yourself as well! You start by creating a parent account, and in the same flow you are able to create an account for your child. You can read the full help article here:

Do I need to create an account as a parent?

If you have a child joining 360Player we strongly recommend you as a parent to also create an account. This will enable you to communicate with team members, view your child's calendar and more!

I already have a parent account, and I have a new child joining 360Player, how do I create a new account for him/her?

In this case, you may create a new child account from inside the app. Login to your parent account and follow this guide:

I accidentally joined the group as the wrong role, what do I do?

Don't worry, this happens sometimes. If you are a parent and accidentally joined as a player, have a look at this guide on how to fix the issue:


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