How to create an assessment

Coaches can assess a player's skills in order to generate training recommendations and help the player to reach their goals. This article breaks down how a coach can create an assessment. 

From the dashboard, press Assessment from the create area. 
*Note that this will only appear if the assessments feature is turned on for your team.

Select the player you would like to assess and press the plus button.

Here you can choose to add a new assessment or update an existing assessment.

Go through the quick start-up guide on how the assessment process works. Then press, ' Okay, I get it - let's go!'
First, you'll choose the player's position and whether they are right or left-footed. Then you rate the player on a scale from 1-10 on various skills with 1 being the worst and 10 being the best in the age group at any given skill. Click and drag the sliders to move the values.
Once you've rated the player on all the skills you can save the assessment as a draft so that only coaches can see it, or press publish and the player will be able to see it as well.
Congratulations you have now created an assessment! If you chose publish, the assessment will also be saved to the player's profile.

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